- Paints
- Notepad
- WordPad , Printing, Scanning
- File Transfer System
- Display Setting
- Mouse & Keyboard Setting
- Downloading Songs
- Copy C.D.
- Games
- MS- Word
- MS-Excel
- MS –PowerPoint
- Account
- Ledger
- Book Maintain
- Inventory
- Direct &indirect Taxes
- Balance Sheet,
- Maintain Profit & Loss Account
- Shortcuts
- Email, Search Engine ,Form Filling,
- Social Sites i.e Facebook, Twitter etc.
- Ms-Word
- MS–Excel (Advance)
- MS-PowerPoint
- Basic Of Accounting
- Creating Accounting Masters
- Creating Inventory Masters
- Voucher Entry
- Advance Accounting In Tally Erp.9
- Advance Inventory In Tally Erp.9
- Job Costing
- Service Tax
- Tax Deduction At Source (TDS)
- Payroll
- Create Company
- Create Superuser.
- Understanding Feature & Options.
- Edit and Deleting Company
- Creating Masters.
- Accounts / Account Groups / Std. Narrations.
- Item Masters creation.
- Material Centers.
- Units.
- Bill of Material.
- Sales Type / Purchase type.
- Tax Categories.
- Payments/Receipts/Contra/Journal Voucher Entries
- Passing transactions With Cost Centres& Categories
- Purchase & Sales Transactions
- Bills creation with VAT
- Creating Budget Entries.
- Passing transactions related to budget
- View Budget variance
- Sales Purchase Transactions with Franchisee
- Creating BOM For Assembling Goods
- Passing Goods Assembling Entry
- Passing Credit Adjustment Entries
- Creating & Passing Service Bills
- Voucher Configurations.
- Master Configuration.
- Backup Configuration.
- Accounts/Document Printing.
- Accounts Voucher Printing.
- Columnar Reports.
- Other Reports.
- User Management.
- Utilities.
- Printing Book of Accounts.
- Balance Sheet, Trial Balance & Profit & Loss.
- Inventory Books & Stock Register.
- Material Inward and Outward Reports.
- Royalty Calculations
- GST and Report.
- Royalty Calculations.
- TDS Reports.
- Bank Reconciliation.
- Printing Other Reports.